Water in wheel house

Have had my new to me boat in the water two week following repower and electronics.
Have been collecting water under the step down in to the wheel house from the cockpit.
Haven’t found the source.
Hauled the boat out a couple of days ago for some engine work.
Noticed a fair amount of water draining out of a fitting on the underside of the hull at the stern.
Is that normal?
Should there be a plug?
Could it be related to the water collecting under the step?
Can’t find much info. on these boats or I wouldn’t be asking.
If anyone has info or thoughts to relate it would be appreciated.

Thanks, Cobb

Is this possibly from front hatch? I’ve found you have to fully tighten it or even the smallest rain will get in.

I think someone else on this forum resealed their hatch enclosure, worth a search on the site.

Good luck finding it!