Top Speed / rpm

I have the standard issue props and only turning out 5,300 rpm and 47 mph.

High hour 6000-7000 hour Hondas.

When I first got the boat was able to achieve 6,000 rpm and 50 plus.

Curious what you guys see for max rpm…

I’m getting about the same, although when I redid my dash electronics the mounting board plus the display means I can’t get to full throttle on the port engine, will test once I make a spacer plate for the controls. I suspect there is another few hundred rpm I can get.

I’ve never got 50+ - maybe 45 max - never hit the claimed 47. I seem to recall Hondas running around 5900-6k at WOT. At $6/gallon I need a pre approval meeting with my bank manager before I can go WOT.