Anyone have a pot puller solution?

Thinking of adding a pot puller to be able to pull shrimp pots. Right now I pull crab using the tow bar at the stern to avoid rubbing the collar but it’s a pain to then move the pot to the side to get it onto the boat.

Seems like lots of options - adding a davit to side or gun mount. A Scotty puller mounted on stern side rails.

Anyone have/seen the perfect setup?

I haven’t found a good solution for a pot puller mounted on the bow mount. I am working with Safe Boats to add seats on the aft storage area and part of that process they will create a mount for a pot puller (possibly on port and starboard sides).

this is the only bow-mounted one i’ve seen by Discovery Bay. works for this boat as it has more bow-space, don’t think it would work too well on a Defender 250 as there isn’t much space to manage pots up front.

(See Discovery Bay Marine Gear | Crabbing Equipment | Crab Pot Pullers | Electric Pot Pullers for details)

Here’s my solution. Not ideal, but it works.

Interesting. Does that arm clear the side-collar? Assume you ran a new high-amp power supply back there? Sure looks better than pulling 400ft of line by hand.

Also - Peter - be careful what you post on the internet. Picture #3 might have just revealed your top secret Lummi Island shrimping spot :wink:

I met a super nice chap in Friday Harbor one day this summer. Hopefully he joins the forum and posts more details, but here was his cool fishing setup. Double coolers and scotty mounts custom mounted on the rails while still keeping the rear cleats accessible.

I assume you could swap the down-rigger for a puller like the one Peter showed.

Brett – yes the arm is just barely long enough to clear the collar, but some sort of an extended arm would be much better to keep the rope away from the collar when pulling the pot.

For power, a friend who knows these boats well installed a Marinco (Scotty) plug fed through a 40 amp Blue Sea breaker in the starboard aft locker.

Another slick solution on a Lifeproof Boat.

I have the exact same solution but I installed it on the other side so I don’t have to reach around to load the pully. It works perfect and keeps the leaded line just off the tube.