Adding Trim Tabs

Has anyone installed trim tabs or looked into it, the more I play with the boat the more I think they would be helpful.

What advantage would they bring? Keep on plane at lower speeds? Worth an email to Safeboat to see why they don’t offer them as standard. The skeptic in me - says more stuff to go wrong and try and keep barnacle-free :slight_smile:

I’ve never had someone say they wish they hadn’t installed trim tabs, two major advantages as I understand it.

  1. Adjust the tilt aft/stern while keeping the optimal engine tilt for efficiency
  2. Adjust port to stb balance

Both should help with efficiency. I’m curious if lifeproof uses them, I could see why the uscg might consider them an extra hassle.

I wouldn’t make holes for trim tabs.
The stability of the sponsons and the deep hull make up for that. The defender is well balanced. And plus twin 225’s gets you on plain quick

I’ve noticed that the side to side balance is almost impossible to address with the motor trim and seems worse on a full tank. I completely agree about not making holes into the air chambers. If you did want to I would weld on mounting plates.

Found this on YT (See 0:54) - showing some trim tabs someone had added. No idea if they helped, but I guess atleast one person has tried it :slight_smile:

I swear that boat used to be on this forum, no? Never seen anyone else put those railings on, but maybe more common than I thought!

I can see why they’d be helpful, especially when going across current or wind, we can get quite the list going!

I feel like I saw it at Cap Sante once a few summers ago. Don’t recall meeting the owner.